Registered Charity No: 1102358 Ofsted Registration No: EY272315

01438 815 003

Children's Rights & Entitlements
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
Confidentiality and Client Access to Records
Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits
Maintaining Children's Safety and Security on Premises
Valuing Diversity and Promoting Inclusion and Equality
Managing Children with Allergies or Who are Sick and Infectious
Induction of staff, volunteers and managers
Staffing, Sickness, Absence and Leave
Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
Prevention of Anti-Bullying and Harassment at Work
Health and Safety General Standards
Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation
Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents
The Role of the Key Person in the Setting and Settling In
Working in Partnership with other Agencies
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing
Managing the Risks of Financial Crime and Abuse